Monday May 20, 2024

Unbelievable: NLRB rules worker’s ‘F*** his family’ statement is protected speech

The worst kept secret in HR: The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is doing whatever it can to “protect employees speech rights” — or, as many employers see it, give workers the green light to say pretty much whatever they want about their employers.  The latest example involves Pier Sixty LLC, a catering company, and […]

2 big reasons employees are more willing to quit than ever before

There are two recent findings by the DOL that don’t look good for your retention efforts.  No. 1: The number of job openings hit a 14-year high of 5.1 million in February, according to the latest figures from the DOL’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. And as you can imagine, more job openings mean more opportunities for talented […]

How to Become a Recruiting Powerhouse: A Practical Guide for HR and Hiring Managers

There are innovative strategies that address the changing landscape of digital relationships and networks, and powerful new tools that can seem magical when you’re trying to find the perfect candidate for the available position. Understanding these strategies and harnessing these tools will prepare you to source, screen, interview and hire the best talent for your […]

DOL grants employers a major Obamacare break

Good news: The major changes the feds recently proposed to the Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) statements won’t be finalized until at least 2016. And that means employers have a good amount of breathing room until they must comply with the wholesale changes to the SBCs. As HR pros know, the Affordable Care Act’s […]

How Obama responded to GOP’s attempt to burn down union-friendly election rule

The National Labor Relations Board new election rules, dubbed the “ambush election” or “quickie election” rules by critics, is a big windfall for unions. So, naturally, the GOP is staunchly opposed to them.  The NLRB’s rules were introduced in the waning days of 2014, and are slated to take effect in a little under two […]

Wait, what? Internet Explorer, Safari users make poorer hires

We’re all looking for ways to separate the wheat from the chaff in the hiring process. Well, one company found a pretty unique trait a lot of lesser-performing candidates share.  What is it? They use Internet Explorer or Safari — over other non-default Web browsers like Chrome and Firefox. That may sound pretty absurd, especially […]

Are 82% of your managers less than competent? Gallup thinks so

Gallup says it’s likely that eight out of 10 of your managers aren’t up to the job.   You read that right. According to the national research firm’s recent State of the American Manager report, The majority of managers are miscast. According to Gallup research, 18% of current managers have the high talent require of their […]

Finally! EEOC issues guidance on what wellness programs can and can’t do

Just when HR pros were starting to lose hope the EEOC would ever issue any guidance and rules on the impact ADA and GINA have on wellness programs, the agency made a major announcement.    After months of inaction, the EEOC just sent a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) about wellness programs to the White House Office […]

Supreme Court just made it easier to sue you for pregnancy discrimination

The Supreme Court just interpreted the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) differently than some employers currently do. As a result, it’ll open up employers to more lawsuits.  The High Court just ruled that if you treat pregnant employees differently from other individuals with similar work restrictions, you can get sued. On its face, that sounds pretty reasonable […]

Can a worker claim retaliation after she slapped her harasser?

If an employee smacks a manager she claims is sexually harassing her, a company is justified in firing her, right?  Maybe not. That’s the question being asked in a retaliation lawsuit involving WES Health System and a former employee. ‘I want some of that …’ Sameka Speed, an employee at WES, complained several times about her […]