Monday May 20, 2024

Get on the same page as Gen Z: 5 skills to focus on

Young employees make up a huge portion of the workforce, with Gen Z comprising 20% of it this year. Every generation of workers is different and has its own unique set of preferences, and Gen Z is no exception. They’re ambitious self-learners and tech wizzes, and tend to shy away from traditional styles of learning. […]

More states push employer-paid benefits for gig workers

Debate around providing gig workers who work for companies like Amazon, Uber, Lyft, and GrubHub with workers’ compensation and other benefits is intensifying across the country. Proponents, including some gig economy companies like NJ-based Postmates, argue that the long-term viability of the new labor model and its potential benefits will only happen if industry, organized […]

Company allowed harassment to continue, owes $200K

It’s bad enough when sexual harassment occurs, but it’s even worse when an employer knows about it and does nothing to stop it. According to a recent lawsuit by the EEOC, Select Staffing in Albuquerque, NM, permitted pervasive sexual harassment to continue by failing to take action after several reports. The EEOC alleges that multiple […]

13 employee development tactics every manager can take advantage of today

Employee development is widely recognized as an essential tool for any organization’s successful growth, productivity and ability to retain its best employees. The challenge is being sure your managers and supervisors are doing employee development on a consistent basis. As business guru Zig Ziglar once said, “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither […]

13 essential steps to great employee recognition

Recognizing employees for their good work is essential to good business. In fact, when researchers in one survey asked employees, “What can your manager do to make this a better place to work?” almost 90% of them said, “Recognize me for a job well done.” So, what’s the best way to go about it? Here […]

6 pros and cons of using artificial intelligence in your hiring process

Technology has had a massive impact on the hiring process, especially artificial intelligence. From providing access to candidate profiles to making it easier to post job applications on different platforms, modern technology has helped make recruiting more efficient and effective than ever. Let’s face it, though – even with the access that websites like Glassdoor […]