You’d love to have employees working for you who are the type that always want to learn new things and grow, right?


employees spend more of their time working to improve their performance through
training and development.

They are the
type of workers every company wants, and they expect their employers to create
a positive experience for them by matching their ambition with effective

For firms and HR professionals trying to create a positive employee experience, it’s essential that your team of in-house trainers is ready to lead the way.

But who will
train the trainers?

Great managers don’t necessarily make great trainers.

So, if you truly want learning to take place, it’s best to give your manager/trainers the help they need to take training to the next level, so you can create a more positive employee experience.

Here are 10
ways to do that.

1. Provide
the big picture

Make sure you let trainees know right from the start why they’re learning whatever you’re teaching. Giving the big picture reinforces to trainees what needs to be accomplished by the end of the session. Then a trainer should break it down into smaller pieces, all the while referring back to the big picture so people see how it all fits together.

2. Repeat

training a small group, try to start the session off with a smile and a
personal greeting. Then attempt to use the attendees’ names at least three
times during the training session. It helps them feel like part of the process,
and will motive them to do better and pay attention.

If you tend
to forget people’s names, try associating them with someone famous or someone
you know.

technique for retaining someone’s name is to repeat the person’s name back to
him or her when you first meet or when the person enters the training session,
if you already know them. For example you could say, “Hi, Jeff, it’s nice to
meet you.” Or “Hi, Mark, so glad you could make it.”

3. What’s in it for me?

If you want
adults to retain training material, you must show what’s in it for them.
Reason: Adults best retain information they consider useful. It’s the way we’re
hard-wired. If you fail to show adults how they’re invested in the material,
the cerebellum won’t let the info travel to the cerebrum to be stored. It’s
vital trainers tie the material to their audience.

4. Apply
what was learned

After you
show trainees what’s in it for them, you need to give them an immediate opportunity
to practice what they just learned.

The adage –
use it or lose it – applies very much to adult learners.

Whether it’s
in the form of a training exercise or a game, or letting the trainees demonstrate
something, they will retain it better the sooner they get to use their new skill
or knowledge.

5. Tie it to

Adults are
not a blank slate. Every trainee brings some prior learning to the table, and that’s
especially true of adults.

learners have a lot of experience and knowledge they bring to a training session.
Whether it’s right or wrong, it will have an impact because it’s in their
brains and influences how they perceive things.

A great way
to get adult learners to retain training material is to tie it to something
they already know. By doing that, the brain doesn’t have to learn something
new. It just applies what it already knows to a new situation, which strengthens
retention and the learning pathways in the brain.

6. Repeat
key concepts

If you want
your audience to remember the key concepts, repeat them. Put them on a slide, a
dry erase board, a handout, etc., and repeat them several times.

Then at the
end of every session, review the key concepts again. Just like children learn
through repetition, so do adults.

7. Be brief

Keep your
instruction/lecturing time brief. Teach in 10- to 20-minute time chunks, then change
to an activity or group discussion. And every time you break from the short lecture
chunks, do a new activity. Even a fun activity becomes repetitive when done in
the same way every time.

8. Be simple

overwhelm your audience with everything you know about the topic being covered.
Just give them the absolute-need-to-know information.

One of the
harder things to do as a trainer is break the information down into the
need-to-know information and the nice-to-know-but-not essential information. If
you try to cover too much at one time, your audience won’t retain the

need to ask themselves “What do my trainees need to know in order to do their
jobs efficiently and effectively, and keep their jobs?” The answer is what the
actual training session should be built around.

You can supplement the training with the nice-to-know stuff as handouts the trainees can take with them and read on their own time. Another way to think about it: If your training time was cut in half, which concepts would you include, and which would you make a handout?

9. Use honey

It’s not
only children that learn better with encouragement. Adults do, too. That’s why
the best trainers create a positive learning environment and celebrate small
successes, new learned skills and concepts, and deliver feedback in a positive

10. Stay

One factor
important to a fun training session is a relaxed, informal environment. If you
can avoid the classroom set-up, then do so. When a trainer stands up front and
everyone faces him or her lined up at desks or in chairs it creates a formal
lecture environment, which is rarely fun.

creative. Set up small tables that you can walk between and interact with your
audience. Or if it’s a small group, having everyone sit around a big table is
better than the classroom set up. You just want trainees to face each other –
not just you – so they can interact easily with each other.

The goal is
to be close enough to engage the audience.

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